registration of a trademark «BIOSKIN» for medical goods and medical devices, as well as their implementation
Problems with registration:
receiving a decision of refusing the registration of a trademark;
the trademark was considered as descriptive, deceptive, that has no distinctive ability and that it is similar to a previously registered trademark in Ukraine.
Problem solving:
appeal to the Board of Appeal of the State Service of Intellectual Property with an objection against the refusal in registration;
to carry out a painstaking work on the preparation of additional arguments in favor of the registration of the trademark;
longtime process of consideration of the case in the Board of Appeal and numerous meetings;
receiving a decision of registration of a trademark.
obtaining of a Certificate of Ukraine No. 213625 for the trademark «BIOSKIN»;
were opened many stores of erotic products;
registration of this trademark in the European Union;
expansion of sales markets of the client's products and strengthening his reputation.